Present: Melanie M, Bond Haldeman, Tim B, Ron J, Lorrie C, Todd D, Beth B, Tim J, Kathy H

Absent: Gus H, Ron H, Kathy S, Elizabeth H

Gather for Devotions…Tim J

Approval of Agenda- Additional item added to Agenda. Motion to approve the agenda by Melanie, seconded by Tim.

Thank You Notes: Mary U for the Christmas trees, Ryan for his service providing Videography.

Leadership Development: Exploring Faith Maturity Activity.



The minutes from November 14, 2017 were approved motion by Lorrie and seconded by Kathy. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer –

Todd D presented financial reports from November 2017. Tim J. made a motion to approve the report, seconded by Ron. The motion passed unanimously.


Christmas Eve service conversations: 7pm service for only this year due to the Eve falling on a Sunday. Plan is to go back to the normal Christmas Eve service schedule next year.

Melanie made a Motion that in 2018, 45% of total defined compensation be designated as housing allowance for tax purposes; seconded by Ron. The motion passed unanimously.

Celebrations and Plans

Stewardship/Leadership-Thank you note sent for all those that returned estimated given. No upcoming meeting.
Youth/Education-Cinnamon roll sales for December. Will be doing a meat raffle in January for cuts of Pork donated by the Pennycook family. Youth will be doing a Chili/soup cook off during the Annual meeting. Will be a free will offering/vote for their favorite soup.
Worship/Evangelism- One service on Christmas Eve.
Building and Grounds- Looking for someone to do simple snow removal for less than 2”.
Social Ministry-Foundation granted request for matching funds for giving tree for ECHO and GIFTS. Discussion about Pastor Discretionary Fund.
Foundation- No report at this time.
Congregation Contacts/Comments- One Service Discussion. Concern over sanctuary lights, very dim.

Council Considerations

1.Annual meeting: January 28th, after service. Youth will be providing Soup/Chili.

2.Parking Lot: no update, will look at options in the spring.

3.Videographer: Ryan retired due to job change. Kidist has been filling in and doing well. Sound is a little better. There is a designated fund for payment per week. Motion made by Todd the Videographer will be paid $40 per week, seconded was made by Melanie. The motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Melanie to have Kidist provide the Videographer services through January of 2108, to be discussed at a later date for future training of other individuals. Seconded by Lorrie. The motion passed unanimously.

4.Natural Church Development (NCD): nothing at this time

5.Communion Rail Redesign: There is a contractor interested in providing the services.

6.Narthex Remodel-Draft Plan: Will be meeting in January to start looking in to updates. Carpenter contact is interested in helping with the cabinet/table pew conversions.

7.Visitation Pastor: Nothing to report

8.Sanctuary Acoustical Assessment Update: Been in contact with company will be moving ahead with researching options and recommendations.

9.2018 Budget Proposal (Budget Q& A, January 7th): Budget Q&A on Jan 7th following service in the Sanctuary. Todd will have handouts, or display on the monitor.

10.Nominations: Ron J has talked to a few, have been turned down by a few. Still have a few contacts.

11.January Council Event: Will plan a fellowship during the normal Tuesday meeting in January. Snacks & desserts.

12.Sanctuary lighting: Look for a way to brighten the Sanctuary. Will look to make sure the Dimmer switch is turned up. Look and see if we could get a brighter bulb. Tim J will look to see if he can find something.

Adjournment: Melonie motioned to close the meeting, Todd seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Next Council Meeting-January 9th, 2018

Devotion- Tim B.
Closing prayer

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