January 12, 2016

Present: Todd D, Pastor Bond, Ted G, Kathy S, Lorrie C, Melanie M, Greg G, Cathy P, Judi M, Scott M, Shirley M, Ron H and Tim B

Absent: Tammy A

Meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m.


Melanie led the opening devotions.

Approval of Agenda:

Melanie made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Tim.  Motion passed unanimously.

Leadership Development:

The origin and meaning of our mission statement “Jesus’ witnesses proclaiming God’s grace.” was discussed and reviewed.


1. Secretary – Cathy Prusansky The minutes from December 8, 2015, were approved as written on a motion by Kathy seconded by Judy.  The motion passed unanimously.

2. Treasurer – Todd Duckworth Todd presented the financial report for the month of December. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Greg and seconded by Cathy.  The motion passed unanimously.

3. Pastors Report – Pastor Bond Additional education opportunities were presented – “Together in Faith”, training of ministers of communion to the homebound, stewardship workshop and a council retreat in early spring.

Council Concerns and Matters:

1. February Devotions – Ted G

2. First Sunday Feedback – nothing to report – next meeting February7th.

3. Budget Q & A Feedback was discussed.

4. Budget for Annual Meeting – Final presentation budget

5. Council/Planning Group nominees/plan – updated

Celebration and Plans –

Youth and Education: Nothing to report.

Worship/Evangelism:  Nothing to report.

Building and Grounds: Christmas decorations were taken down.

Social Ministry:  Lorrie presented us with totals from the giving tree.

Stewardship/Leadership:  Pledge cards are still trickling in.

Foundation:  Year end distributions were discussed. Congregational contacts were discussed.


Cathy made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Kathy.  The motion passed unanimously.  The meeting closed with a prayer and adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

The next meeting of the St. John Lutheran Church Council will be held on February 9, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Cathy P

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