The Adult Forum Bible Study has re-convened for a study of the Old Testament Book of Isaiah. The class is held at 10:15 on Sunday mornings, following the worship service. There will be 11 sessions over a 15 week span, with lay instructor David Moore leading the class.
The next class will be held on October 23rd. Beginning on that Sunday, the class will then be held every Sunday through December 19.
Isaiah offers an important faith perspective for times of distressing and difficult change, and for what happens when God changes old things into new things. Instead of using a study text, the emphasis for “homework” in our study will be to read the 66 Chapters of Isaiah over the course of the class and to come to class with questions and reflections on what the text meant when it was written, and what it means to us in this time and place. We will focus both on learning about the text and reflecting upon its value to our world and our own community of faith. Whether you are able to attend class for every session, or only occasionally, we hope you will take this opportunity to delve into the scriptures with us.
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