For spring session, we will try using a new resource. In November of 2017, an author named Christian Piatt published the first of what will be 3 devotional books, one for each year of our 3-year lectionary cycle. The book uses and interprets the texts for each week’s lessons and gospel throughout the church year.
For those interested in the class beginning March 11, you are encouraged to order a copy of the Piatt’s book, entitled Surviving the Bible – A Devotional for the Church Year 2018, and start reading the weekly studies. For those who ordered books through Dave Moore, those books have arrived and are available in the Conference Room. Be sure to check your name off the list so that we know that you have your book.
When we start our session on March 11, we will discuss Piatt’s summary of the lectionary lessons for that week, and we will do the same over the next 7 weeks, excluding Easter – March 11, 18, 25, and April 8, 15 and 22.
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