The Altar Guild of St. John Lutheran Church is a great group of members, who dedicate themselves to preparing Communion for our members year after year. Their duties consist of the care of the altar area and the preparation of the sacrament of Holy Communion for 52 weeks per year. Volunteers are currently scheduled through the church office. Volunteers are contacted via phone and a schedule prepared based on their availability. The yearlong schedule is mailed to all volunteers before the beginning of the new calendar year. We are currently in need of more helpers; women, men, or confirmed teens working with their parents, to help clean up after services and/or to set up before services.
Members may provide flowers to celebrate a special event or in honor or memory of a loved one. You can sign up on the chart in the Narthex or call the church office for information.
We are thankful to Mary U. and her family at Tannebaum Acres for their contribution of wreaths and trees for the Advent-Christmas season and to all who contribute poinsettias and Easter lilies to help beautify the altar area. Tom and Karolyn U. of “Choice Cleaners” help each year in caring for the altar paraments. We also give a big thank you to Pat and Les M. for always being there when needed through the years, and to all of the husbands and ushers who willingly pitch in when needed. Many thanks!
Our dedicated helpers through the year have been: Ron and Joyce H., Linda and Glenn M., Judy B., Beret G., Tim J., Becky W., Ruth B., Judi M., Judy B., Diane U., Sue G., Diana W., Sandy K., Pat and Let M., Marsha M., Melanie M., Ruth B., Mary Ellen M., Janet N., Jane P., Lois P., Bobby K., Pat and Bill D., Deb and Greg G., Mary L., Lavaughn B., and Cindy G.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat M.