Our children are vulnerable and are being exploited in many ways in our society and sometimes there is no protection for them. Cherish All Children is a national Lutheran ministry of prayer, education, relationship-building, and action to prevent child sexual exploitation.
The prayer component of this ministry focuses on reconnecting with the youth in our congregations specifically by lifting them up in prayer. The beauty of this is that as we surround our children with prayer, we too deepen our relationship not only with the children but with our God as well.
Learn how you can become an important part in connecting with a child in our congregation, lifting them up in prayer, asking God to be with them to protect them, and helping them to feel loved and supported.
The expectations of a Cherish All Children Congregation are:
- Policies – Create/update and adopt “safe church” policies to insure the well-being of children while participating in congregational activities.
- Prayer – Establish a prayer ministry of intentional individual and/or community public prayer for all the children within the congregation, ages birth to 25.
- Education – Provide educational activities to junior/senior high youth, parents, and congregation members to generate awareness about sexual exploitation and how to prevent it. Relationship Building Build a relationship with one or more organizations in your community that also work to prevent child sexual exploitation.
- Action – Create an opportunity to involve members in an action project to prevent child sexual exploitation within the congregation and/or the broader community which we did at the Human Trafficking Seminar.
All members should have received /or will be receiving a letter inviting them to participate in this program, and congregational members will be matched this month with a child or young person who they will be praying for.
We have held a Prayer Training and would be happy to repeat it for anyone who is interested in joining us in praying for our children. We have prayer books that have prayers for your child/young person. It’s not too late to join us! Just fill out a Commitment Form (found by the statue of the baby in the Narthex) or call the office at 752-3159. Help us to celebrate this new ministry for our church!
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