We will be collecting funds and gently used winter wear this year to provide winter outerwear for a small group of children in our community who otherwise would not have these essential items.
The needed items include: boots, snow pants, coats, hats, mittens, scarves, heavy sweaters, and socks. All donations received will be pooled to provide warm outerwear to as many children as possible. We hope to be able to help about 20 children. It costs about $80 per child to provide them with the necessary warm clothing. So every gift, large or small, will make a BIG difference to a child! Please make your check out to “St John Lutheran Church” and mark “Children’s Outerwear” in the memo line or write “Children’s Outerwear” on the envelope (gifts may be dropped in the collection plate or mailed to the church office). This will also make your gift eligible for matching fund grants from the St John Lutheran Foundation.
Donations are needed by noon on December 9th in order to provide items in time.
Thank you for helping a child to stay warm!
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