January 10th, 2017

Present: Melanie M, Bond Haldeman, Tim B, Ted G, Greg G, Ron H, Ron J, Judi M, Kathy S, Lorrie C, Cathy P, Tod D, Tim B, Scott M
Absent: Josh U

Gather for Devotions: Greg G
Approval of Agenda: Cathy made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Tim. Motion passed unanimously.
Leadership Development: suggestions for council retreat collected.


  • Secretary-The minutes from December 13, 2016 were approved as written on a motion by Tim and seconded by Scott. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Treasurer-Todd D presented financial reports from December and 2016. Ted made a motion to approve the report, seconded by Cathy. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Pastor Bond–A motion was made to make 53% of the defined compensation for Pastor Bond to be designated as Housing Allowance for tax purposes by Ron H and seconded by Todd. Motion passed unanimously. LEAD Event will be Saturday March 11, 1017. Feb 10-12 is Youth Quake event for youth in the Dells. We need to decide if we get a supply pastor or have someone else lead worship services that Sunday. To be decided later.

Celebrations and Plans

  • Stewardship/Leadership-no report
  • Youth/Education-A letter will be going out with invitations to the adults to participate as a prayer for a child.
  • Worship/Evangelism-discussed door hanger project from before Christmas, no further report.
  • Building and Grounds-no report.
  • Social Ministry-ECHO giving tree $1815.00 + 1500.00 Foundation=$3315.00, ELCA World Hunger 3342.50 + Foundation 1500.00=$4842.00 ELCA matched that for a total $9685.00.
  • Foundation- Ron was not at last meeting, no report at this time.

Council Concerns/Agenda items

  • Devotions- tabled for new council staff next month.
  • First Sunday Feedback-Next Month: February 5th
  • Budget Q and A, last Sunday, good response to budget presented.
  • Budget 2017, Pastor Bond made a motion to present the budget as presented in the draft, seconded by Greg G. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Congregational meeting, council candidates, planning groups candidates.
  • Carpet and communion rail remodeling –a possible reduced cost to replace the center aisle carpet to eliminate the wrinkled carpet there now through Scott M. Nothing new on communion railing.
  • Natural Church Development/Church Health Team-the team is working with the four topics of leadership and talking points or questions for the congregation. Next meeting January 25, 6:30 pm.
  • In-reach-Cathy will plan on calling people after December attendance is noted for the list.
  • Roof Loan-$5735.00 paid back to the Foundation for the roof loan, a request was submitted to foundation for loan forgiveness based on funds available.
  • Women’s bathroom painting-Melanie and Tammy A will head up the project
  • All Planning Group Meeting – Sunday, February 19: Potluck after church services.
  • Congregational meeting is January 29, 2017


Ted motioned to close the meeting, Tim seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Next Council Meeting-February 14th, 2017

Closing prayer

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