St. John Lutheran Church Council Meeting

July 13th, 2016

Present: Pastor Bond, Lorrie C, Ron J, Judi M, Todd D, Greg G, Kathy S, Scott M

Absent: Ron H, Melanie M, Josh U, Cathy P, Ted G, Tim B

Gather for Devotions “Gospel” video devotion – Lorrie Craig

Approval of Agenda Judi M. made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Scott M.

Leadership Development National Church Development (NCD) video “The NCD Five Step Church Health Process”.


● Secretary- Todd made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected for date in title from July, Ron J. seconded.
● Treasurer- Kathy made a motion to approve the report, Judi M. seconded.
● Pastor- The first outdoor service went well; the next will be Aug 28th with a potluck. Fall confirmation ministry and expectations handout was distributed, Todd D. motioned to approve the handout, seconded by Scott M

Celebrations and Plans

● Stewardship/Leadership- the committee will update email contacts from info gathered, Aug 18th next mtg., using time and talent sheets was explored
● Youth/Education- No Report
● Worship/Evangelism- No Report
● Building and Grounds- Discussed mid-week work projects.
● Social Ministry-Grant request for school supplies
● Foundation-No Report
● Congregation Contacts/Comments-None

Council Concerns/Agenda items

● August Devotions: Cathy P
● First Sunday Feedback –Next Month: August 7th.
● Natural Church Development: Went over results comparing this year and last year. Created a Church Health team to meet separately: Greg, Judi, and Ron J.
● Email update – Contacts collected
● Roof Loan – $2,579 ytd. 2016
● Evangelism- Melanie E gave Greg an example of a brochure about the church for Evangelism. The group will work on a project to contact people who haven’t been to church for a while.
● Women’s bathroom-Drawings of the project layouts provided by Scott. $1700 approved by the Foundation. The next step is to set up contractors and order items. Scott will continue leadership on the project.
● Pastor Painter-no update from Shari yet
● Parking lot-tabled
● Sound System-All updates have been made the hum in the recording is from a broken line in the camera. The camera may need to be replaced. Cost could be $800-2000, repair cost not feasible. The next step is to work with camera power source to eliminate hum.
● Acolytes-Judi offered up Acolyte positions to any age person to help with various parts of the service. We have robes available.
● Baptism-Judi offered to start a program to make Baptism Anniversary cards to be mailed out each year until child is 4, a banner for the Baptism day that would go home with the family, and celebrate Baptism anniversaries during Sunday school.
● Liturgical Dance-Judi showed a video example of Liturgical Dance in a worship setting. She proposed organizing some of the children to form a group. The council encouraged her to move forward with the idea.


Todd made a motion to adjourn, Bond seconded. Motion passed

Next Council Meeting- August 16th at Judi’s house with snacks.

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