St. John Lutheran Church Council Meeting
May 10, 2016
Present: Pastor Bond, Greg G., Ted G., Kathy S., Lorrie C., Greg G., Ron H., Ron J., Tim B., Josh U., Scott M.
Absent: Cathy P., Melanie M., Judi M.
Gather for Devotions – Todd
Approval of Agenda – Kathy made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Tim.
Leadership Development – Pastor Bond “Healthy Congregations Accept Differences”
Secretary-Todd made a motion to approve the minutes from April and Scott seconded.
Treasurer-Kathy made a motion to approve the report and Tim seconded.
Pastor Bond-Thank you for those who were at the work day, report from Synod Assembly
Celebrations and Plans
Stewardship/Leadership-Next meeting is May 24.
Youth/Education-no report – Movie night moved to 6/17 6:00-8:00 pm
Worship/Evangelism-no report
Building and Grounds- Greg made a motion to approve spending up to $2000 on the bathroom project and Tim seconded. June outdoor worship cancelled for June due to new grass.
Social Ministry-Meeting next week. We will get Crop Walk totals next meeting.
Foundation-They decided to keep the rentals for now and do the repairs needed. Partial approval for grant request for money for a Visitation pastor.
Congregation Contacts/Comments-people like the announcements on the screen before church, suggestion came in to have a week day evening work session for those busy on weekends
Council Concerns/Agenda items
June Devotions: Kathy Severson
First Sunday Feedback –Next Month: June 5th
Visitation Pastor Task Force: Foundation approved $2335 grant with $2335 matching congregational donations. Motion made by Greg to approve offering Lynn Peterson the position of Visitation Pastor and seconded by Scott. Stewardship drive this year will be focused on the increase in giving to support the new position and addition to the budget.
Natural Church Development: Ted Grund, names for survey.
Web Site: Ron Hornsey.-nothing new to report
Church Council Retreat: April 15-16. Final thoughts
2016 – Ways to Better Communicate with Congregation, announcements before service.
Women’s bathroom update-Scott provided estimates
Synod Assembly discussion-Kathy went, shared her experience
Sound System and organ repairs-no further details provided on organ repairs. Sound system adjustments have been made to improve the sound quality. Greg made a motion to approve use funds available to purchase further equipment needed, seconded by Lorrie.
Investment of General Funds-Options reviewed for moving funds out of the regular account and into some form of interest earning account or investment. A motion was made by Kathy to move $50,000 into a 1 yr CD and seconded by Tim.
Shari Zurbuchen: Pastor Painter-tabled for next month.
Outdoor services-go forward as planned for July and August only
Roof Loan-tabled for next month
Columbarium-tabled for next month
Scott made a motion to adjourn, Ted seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Agenda items for next month
Next Council Meeting- June 8th