November 8, 2016
Present: Melanie M, Bond Haldeman, Tim B, Ted G, Ron H, Ron J, Kathy S, Judi M, Lorrie C, Todd D, Greg G, Scott M
Absent: Josh U, Cathy P
Gather for Devotions-Melanie M
Approval of Agenda– Todd motioned to approve agenda, Lorrie seconded the motion. Motion passed
Leadership Development: Pastor presented a parable about saving lives
●Secretary-Scott motioned to approve the minutes, Melanie seconded the motion. Motion passed
●Treasurer- Tim motioned to approve report, Scott Seconded the motion. Motion passed.
●Pastor -Conformation Extravaganza went well last week. Pastor’s vacation coming up.
Celebrations and Plans
●Stewardship/Leadership-Brunch went well. Still planning to look at the giving cards. Meeting next Tuesday. Time and Talent Survey will be handed out in Church on Sunday.
●Youth/Education-Advent party Nov 27
●Worship/Evangelism-no report
●Building and Grounds-Women’s bathroom project is done.
●Social Ministry-ECHO community meal served 123 meals. Giving tree will go up soon.
●Council approved looking into an intergenerational mission trip.
●Foundation-meeting next week.
●Congregation Contacts/Comments-a home watcher requested less video of hymn words as they can’t be read from the TV.
Council Concerns/Agenda items
●December Devotions: Judi M
●First Sunday Feedback-Next Month: December 4th
●Natural Church Development/ Health Team-meeting next week
●Council for 2017-Greg, Ted, Judi and Cathy cannot be re-elected. Scott will not be returning. Council should bring names for potential candidates.
●Snow plowing 2017-3 bids received: Tim made the motion to accept Walker Management’s proposal pending it’s pricing including salt application, seconded by Lorrie. Motion passed
●Budget 2017-potential budget discussed
●Roof Loan tabled
●Women’s bathroom update-painting and wallpaper border left to finish
●Painting service-discussion tabled due to cost restraints
●Sound System tabled
●Cherish all children-Judi wants to join this ELCA mission at no cost obligation to the congregation. The mission is to prevent the exploitation of children. It provides information and adult congregation members would pray for a child daily. Council approved.
●Acolytes Recruiting – Acolytes will start with Advent services.
●Baptism -banners and information will start with the next baptism. Craft day Nov 19.
●Liturgical Dance-Tabled
Melanie motioned to adjourn, Ron J seconded the motion. Motion passed
Next Council Meeting-December 13th, 2016