St. John Lutheran Church Council Meeting

October 11th, 2016

Present: Tim B, Pastor Bond, Ron H, Cathy P, Judi M, Kathy S, Ted G, Lorrie C, Todd D, Greg G

Absent: Scott M, Melanie M, Josh U

Gather for Devotions-Greg G

Approval of Agenda– Ted motioned to approve agenda Cathy seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Leadership Development-read an excerpt from Spiritual Exercises for Committees.


Secretary– Tim motioned to approve agenda Judi seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Treasurer-Judi motioned to approve agenda Ted seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Pastor-He is going to the Bishop’s convocation next week. Oct 30, Good Shepard for Synod Fall Gathering.

Celebrations and Plans

Stewardship/Leadership-Oct 30 Stewardship drive brunch, next meeting Oct 18

Youth/Education-No children’s Christmas program. There may be interest in an adult program.

Worship/Evangelism-Ron, Judi and Kathy S will explore a Christmas story program, Cathy has volunteered to contact members whose attendance has dropped off. Invitation to worship door hangers will be passed out in November for members to place on neighbor’s doors.

Building and Grounds– Judi wants to get an estimate for working on the area next to the upper parking lot

Social Ministry-Oct 29 ECHO community meal at St John, volunteers needed for shifts

Foundation-no report – next meeting Oct 17

Congregation Contacts/Comments-no reports

Council Concerns/Agenda items

November Devotions: Melanie Morgan

First Sunday Feedback-Next Month: November 6th

ELCA Health Benefit options-Todd motioned and Tim seconded the council recommendation of staying with current level plan, Gold+

Snow Removal 2016/2017– council will need to get bids.

Natural Church Development-meeting and still forming the group to work on it, current members: Greg, Ted, Tim, Judi, Ron J., Bill E, David M, Sandra S. Next meeting Oct 19

Roof Loan-approximately 7,000 still owed

Women’s bathroom update– currently in process and should be finished this month

Painting Pastor-no report

Sound System-still working out some issues

Acolytes Recruiting Rally –following brunch Oct 30

Baptism-Judi and volunteers will start making the cards and banners on craft day Sat Oct 22 1:30

Liturgical Dance-Tabled

Real Life Faith-5th grade program about Martin Luther and Reformation- no participants this time around so far


Cathy made a motion to adjourn, Ted Seconded- motion passed.

Next Council Meeting-November 8th, 2016

Closing prayer

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