St. John Lutheran Church Council Meeting
September 13, 2016
Gather for Devotions presented by Tim B
Approval of Agenda Kathy made a motion to approve the agenda with foundation item added, Tim seconded
Leadership Development handout titled “Healthy Congregations Respond to Anxiety and Change”
- Secretary- Scott motioned to approve the minutes, Judi seconded
- Treasurer-Lorrie motioned to approve the minutes, Judi seconded
- Pastor-Confirmation has begun. Pastor requested that he use continuing education funds to purchase books, council approved
Celebrations and Plans
- Stewardship/Leadership- time and talent sheets were updated at their meeting
- Youth/Education-Rally day and treat boxes went well.
- Worship/Evangelism-no update, next meeting Sept 27
- Building and Grounds-no update, bids being submitted by Four Seasons and Walker Property Management for plowing and snow removal
- Social Ministry-ECHO school supplies $1310 including matching funds not including actual supplies collected. Next meeting this Sunday
- Foundation-management of apartments has been transferred to Walker Property Management
- Congregation Contacts/Comments-contact asking for St.John to reach out to the neighborhood
Council Concerns/Agenda items
- October Devotions: Scott M
- First Sunday Feedback-Next Month: October 2nd
- Natural Church Development: Ted G/Ron J – working on members for the church Health team. Next meeting Tue Sept 20
- Roof Loan-$3519 ytd paid,
- Women’s bathroom update-need to schedule plumber and partition removal
- Parking Lot-discussion with no actions needed
- Painting Pastor-availability dates and cost information collected, both choirs will be asked to see if they would like to participate for next spring. Judi will research a canvas. Gregg will get a firmer cost.
- Sound System-still working on extra noises
- Acolytes Recruiting Rally -starting to recruit this coming Sunday
- Baptism –Oct 8 will start forming a craft group to make the banners and cards
- Liturgical Dance-put on hold for now
- Foundation receipt policy change – Foundation has a form to show receipt of money from the treasurer and one to show money collected for matching funds
Adjourn: Ron H motioned to adjourn and seconded by Tim
- Next Council Meeting-October 11th, 2016
Closing prayer
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