St. John Lutheran Church Council Meeting

September 8, 2015



Present: Todd Duckworth, Pastor Bond, Scott Myers, Shirley Myers, Ted Grund, Ron Hornsey, Kathy Severson, Lorrie Craig, Melanie Morgan, Greg Griffith, Tim Banwell and Tammy Albrecht

Absent: Cathy Prusansky, Judi Magnus

Meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m.

Devotions: Lorrie led the opening devotions with a video from The Anima Series.

Approval of Agenda: Kathy Severson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Scott Myers . Motion passed unanimously.


Secretary – Cathy Prusansky

The minutes from August 11, 2015, were approved as written on a motion by Greg Griffith seconded by Melanie Morgan . The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer – Todd Duckworth

Todd presented the financial report for the month of August. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Greg Griffith and seconded by Shirley Myers . The motion passed unanimously.

Pastor’s Report – Pastor Bond

Pastor discussed Confirmation expectations, Meagan Rebout starting in October as the new accompanist, Salvation Army thank you card, and lower parking lot plans.

Council Concerns and Matters:

  • October Devotions – Todd Duckworth
  • First Sunday Feedback – nothing to report – next meeting October 4th.
  • Dishwasher: Scott Myer gave the motion to approve the bids from DeGarmo and ASC1 and move forward with the repairs and seconded by Tammy Albrecht.
  • Website: next session Tuesday September 15
  • Roof Fund: Announcement will be made on Sunday and it will be part of the Stewardship planning group’s campaign
  • NCD: the results were examined and discussed

Celebration and Plans –

Youth and Education: Sunday school starts next week

Worship/Evangelism: no report

Building and Grounds: no report, lawn mowing need volunteer(s)

Social Ministry: meeting 9-24-15

Stewardship/Leadership: no report

Foundation: met last week and provided additional funds toward dishwasher project

Congregational contacts were discussed.

Adjournment:   Greg Griffith made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Melanie Morgan . The motion passed unanimously. The meeting closed with a prayer and adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

The next meeting of the St. John Lutheran Church Council will be held on October 13, 2015, at 6:30 p.m.

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