A HUGE Thank you to all who walked, raised money, volunteered at the table and prayed for everyone!! St. John Lutheran Church raised a total of $6443.00 this year! That is incredible! We had a total of 26 walkers. Thank you to Greg G and Jody C for helping at the table this year!!
The 2017 Walkers included:
Jodi P and Tammy K; Melanie M; Mila H; Todd, K, and Levi J; M, A, Sue and Ted G; Michelle R; Deb G; T and Becky W J; Kathy H; Bond, K, and Bayat H; Kelly and Raylan K; and Judi M and Colin B.
St. John Lutheran Church was ranked third in fund raising here in Janesville among local congregations! Thank you for helping in the Janesville CROPWALK to end hunger!
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