8/10/2016 10:30:00 AM
NEW ORLEANS – Recognizing the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) as a Book of Faith church, ELCA Vice President Carlos Peña reflected on the 10th chapter of Luke as he opened his Aug. 9 final report to the 2016 ELCA Churchwide Assembly.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few,” Peña said. “I think sometimes that’s because there is so much to harvest that we don’t know where to begin.
“Look at where God has planted you. God put you there for a reason. … You don’t need to travel across country to participate in the latest demonstration. Your harvest can be in your own workplace, your own home, your organizations, your community. There is plenty to be done close to home.”
In his report, Peña laid out the recommendations of the ELCA Church Council for actions to be considered by the assembly, including election of a new vice president. Peña, who has served in this role since 2003, has decided not to seek a third term.
For more on this article visit ELCA.org
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