On September 9, we will begin a 5-session Adult Forum class on Paul’s letter to Philemon. This letter is the shortest “book” in the Bible, with only 25 verses. While it takes only a few moments to read, Philemon presents an interesting study in social dynamics.

It offers us a unique perspective into the world of the apostle Paul and his relationship with the congregations he created. And, it offers a gateway into the much longer and and deeper letters of Paul. It also tells us something about how the social institutions of Paul’s world – in this case, the institution of slavery – while offering us a perspective for addressing the social institutions of our own world. Philemon is a letter from Paul to his friend, Philemon, about another friend – a slave of Philemon named Onesimus.

The questions raised include: How can the master of a slave be a leader of the church? How can a slave be free in Christ? And, how is it that, as people made free in Christ, are called to be “slaves” of Christ and his Church?

The remaining schedule is as follows: Sept. 16, Sept. 30, Oct. 14 and Oct. 21. Classes will now meet in the Library, which is located at the North end of Friendship Hall, after worship at 10:15 on Sunday mornings. For those who want to read in preparation for the class, we recommend the book The Letter to Philemon by Scot McKnight (Wm. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2017).

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