A huge thank you to everyone who moved furniture, carried boxes, sorted supplies, packed individual bags for each student, set up displays, helped students and their parents find the appropriate bags, donated supplies and monetary gifts, and cleaned up afterwards! Without a remarkable outpouring of generous gifts of time and treasure from our community, none of this would happen!

Thank you for your kindness to the children!

Once again this year, our congregation will host the ECHO School Supply Drive and Distribution in our building from August 20-24, 2018.

Donations of school supplies and cash to purchase supplies are needed to assist the hundreds of children who have signed up to receive assistance. Volunteers are needed to help unpack, sort, and organize the supplies and then to pack the kit of supplies for each registered child.

  • If your child needs supplies, contact ECHO at 754-5333 to register.
  • Volunteers can sign up to help by contacting Fran at 754-5333.
  • Donations may be left in the red barrel in the Narthex or brought to the church office.
  • Cash donations may be made by using a pew envelope and writing “ECHO School Supplies” on the envelope or by making out a check to “St John Lutheran Church” and writing “ECHO School Supplies” in the memo line. By making monetary contributions through our congregation, we can apply to the Foundation for matching grants in increase your gift!

Thank you to everyone who so generously donates to make sure that every child in our community goes back to school ready to learn!

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