Sunday is Rally Day, the start of Christian Education for Sunday School and we will start off with a party! Students and their friends and families should meet in Friendship Hall at 10:15 am. All adults who aren’t attending the Adult Forum Bible Study are welcome to stop in and join us to see what Sunday School is all about this year!

Sunday School is growing and changing this year. We will be dividing up into three groups: Grades pre K and Kindergarten, 1 st and 2 nd Grade, and 3 rd thru 5 th Grade with a pair of teachers for each level. The curriculum is very easy to teach with step-by-step instructions. We still need more teachers for this new program. Please pray about serving God by becoming a Sunday School teacher, and reap the rewards of serving our wonderful children. Please contact Judi M or the church office at 752-3159 if you can help.

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