Until this last week, the GIFTS Men’s Shelter had no host church for the week of Thanksgiving. Now, a congregation has offered the use of their building but they cannot supply any of the meals for the week.
Thanksgiving dinner is being provided, but that leaves a lot of other meals to prepare! Duane A from our congregation is going to provide administrative services for Tuesday and Heidi P has offered to cook the evening meal but we need donations of food and cash to make this happen.
Can you donate something to help? We need 10 pounds of hamburger, 18 pounds of frozen vegetable mix (corn, green beans, carrots, peas), 2 commercial size boxes of instant mashed potato flakes, 20 cans of cream of chicken soup, 4 gallons of milk, and cash donations to buy the rest of the meal ingredients.
Donations can be brought to the church office on Monday, November 21st from 8am-noon, and 1pm-5pm.
Thank you for your help!
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