Lent begins on Wednesday February 26th with our observance of Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday Worship with Ashes and Holy Communion will take place at 12:10 pm and again at 7:15 pm. A Soup and Bread Supper will be served from 6:15 pm until 7:00 pm in the evening. If you plan to join us for Soup this week, please sign up on the sign- up sheet in the Narthex so that we know how much to prepare! Everyone is welcome to join us!
Worship every Wednesday in Lent Soup Supper 6:15-7:00pm followed by 7:15 pm Evening Prayer Lenten Worship
- April 9 – Maundy Thursday Worship at 7:00 pm
- April 10 – Good Friday Worship at 12:10 pm
- April 12 – Easter Sunday Worship at 9:00 am