Hurricanes and Tornadoes
Flooding and Wildfires
Earthquakes and Explosions
Diseases and Pandemics
Refugees fleeing War and Violence
Drought and Famine
From flooding in the Midwest, to a cyclone in Mozambique, to earthquakes in Mexico, to wildfires in California, to refugee crises in Syria, Myanmar and several other nations – Lutheran Disaster Response is at work around the world.
No one is untouched by these types of disasters. We suffer and respond collectively and those of us who are not physically affected have a responsibility and sacred duty to respond in God’s name.
The Ministry OutReach (MOR) team at St. John Lutheran Church invites you to be God’s hands by supporting the work of ELCA Disaster Response. We are a church that is a catalyst, convener and bridge builder. Lutheran Disaster Response collaborates with other disaster response organizations and religious entities in the United States and around the world. This enables the greatest stewardship of resources and the maximum impact of response.
We are hoping that members of the St. John Lutheran Church Congregation will contribute as they are able to support the efforts of the ELCA Disaster Response. Please mail or drop off any donations to the church office. Please be sure that you write “Disaster Response” in the memo line. Donations will be recorded to your statement of giving for tax purposes. The MOR team will be writing a grant to the St. John Foundation as another way for our congregation can help with these efforts. We are requesting a total of $5,000. to be used “Where Most Needed” domestically and globally.
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