We have expanded our library! Since we had the book fair in September and October Augsburg Fortress has given us the books that were on display. We now have the following books: Martin Luther: His Life

When Lightning Struck: the Story of Martin Luther
by Danika Cooley Written specifically with teen reader and adults new to Luther in mind. In the style of a fast-paced action –packed novel. Luther the Reformer: the Story of the Man and His Career by James M. Kittelson. This best-selling biography provides a great resource for delving into the Reformer without drowning in a sea of scholarly concerns.

Resilient Reformer: The Life and Thought of Martin Luther
by Timothy F. Lull and Derek R. Nelson. In this biography, Luther is an energetic, resilient actor, driven be very human strengths and failings. Luther is portrayed more as a loud tenor in the Reformation chorale than as a solo voice of dissent against the church and empire.

Papa Luther: A Graphic Novel
by Daniel D. Maurer with illustrations by Caitlin Like. This full-color graphic novel – or comic book – for children ages 8 to 13, is also suitable for older you (and more than a few adults, too!) Papa Luther tells the story of Martin Luther and the Reformation as seen through the eyes of his children.

Atlas of the European Reformations
by Tim Dowley. This definitive atlas provides a remarkably clear view of the broader Reformation scene. Features color images, time lines, and commentary to go with 60 beautiful and informative maps. If you wish to explore how the Reformation continues to impact the church and consider ways Catholics and Lutherans can continue to journey together toward unity:

Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans edited
by Kathryn A. Kleinhans. This serves as a rich resource book for getting to know who Lutherans are, what they teach, where they come from, and where they are today. Includes sections on Lutheran basics, Lutheran history and practice, and a wide range of stories from the global Lutheran family.

Declaration on the Way: Church, Ministry, and Eucharist
by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This study celebrates fifty years of international and regional Lutheran-Catholic dialogues and harvests the results of those efforts into Statements of Agreement on church, ministry and eucharist.

One Hope: Re-Membering the Body of Christ
by Julie K. Aageson, John Borelli, John Klassen Derek R. Nelson, Martha Stortz, and Jessica Wrobleski. A rich ecumenical resource designed to help Catholic and Lutheran communities mark the approaching the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

So stop by the Library Annex next to the elevator and enjoy our new stock!

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