The Prayer Shawl Ministry knits and crochets prayer shawls to be given to members of the congregation or to members of the community who need comfort.  We have also made baby sweaters, hats, and baby blankets for the layette kits for Lutheran World Relief.  We have patterns for knit and crochet prayer shawls and also patterns for the items for the layettes.

In the past year of 2015, 12 shawls were given to individuals.  Currently we have 16 shawls available for individuals who may need a shawl.  There are always shawls available in the narthex and additional shawls available from the church office.

We meet the third Thursday of each month at 2:30 p.m.  Currently Lorrie C., Donna E., Beret G., Judith L., Jane P., and Diana W. have contributed shawls this past year.  We are praying for Beret that she will be well enough to join us again soon.

We welcome anyone to join our group in 2016!

Respectfully submitted,
Lorrie C. and Jane P. for Beret G.

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