Present: Kathy H, Elizabeth H, Greg G, Lorrie C, Ron H, Tim J, Ron J, Kathy S
Absent: Tim B, Bond H, Gus H

Gather for Devotion- Ron H “Do Not Hurry”
Approval of Agenda- Tim J made a motion to add Kolden Severson to the agenda, seconded by Lorrie. Agenda approved.
Thank You Notes for Pat M and LaVaughn B
Leadership Development-none

Secretary – Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Elizabeth seconded.
Treasurer – Kathy S made a motion to approve the report as printed, seconded by Greg
Pastor – no report

Celebrations and Plans

  • Stewardship/Leadership- they met and discussed plans for the upcoming year.
  • Youth/Education – spice sale fundraiser and pork raffle tickets
  • Worship/Evangelism –April 22 potluck 10:30, next meeting Apr 22
  • Building & Grounds –clean up day May 5, Jason will make announcements
  • Social Ministry – planning Earth Day Water Bottles, Crop Walk, Mother’s Day and Compassion Sunday. Meeting coming up on Thursday
  • Foundation –reviewed the minutes provided, grant approved for Easter Breakfast and Church Council retreat.

Council Considerations

  1. Parking Lot-no report
  2. Natural Church Development (NCD)- Cornerstone of Hope representative was here last Sunday. They provide materials for raised bed gardens and volunteers to set it up with the hope any excess produce is shared with local food pantries. He provided a packet with informational postcard and seeds. As part of NCD leadership Greg wants to see if there is congregational interest.
  3. Communion Rail Redesign -met with a contractor about reducing the budget for the project.
  4. Narthex Remodel -waiting on a carpenter’s estimate to build the drop down tables, maybe look into selling the extra pews instead of repurposing the pews.
  5. Visitation Pastor -no availability from synod at this time.
  6. Sanctuary Acoustical Assessment – no update.
  7. Synod Assembly – May 5th & 6th
  8. Retreat – Date April 27th & 28th
  9. Kolden Severson presented a project idea that he would like to work on for his Eagle Scout Project. He plans to make a ramp over part of the stairs from the office area to the church entrance and an outside altar. Tim J. made a motion to approve the project and allow him to proceed with the plans, Kathy H seconded the motion. Kolden will present update in June.
  10. Congregational concerns – kitchen safety and cleanliness, maybe kitchen coordinators for supplies, dishwasher, food prep, etc.

Kathy S made a motion to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Tim J.

Next Council Meeting – May 8, 2018

Devotion – Kathy H

Closing Prayer

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