Present: Tim B, Elizabeth H, Bond Haldeman, Beth B, Ron H, Tim J, Lorrie C, Ron J, Kathy H, Greg G
Absent: Heidi and Jason P, Gus H
Gather for Devotion
Approval of Agenda – Tim B. made a proposal to move the Church properties to first on the agenda, seconded by Pastor Bond, motion passed and agenda approved
Thank You Notes
Leadership Notes – Richard Hackman’s Five Factor Model for effective teams and groups
- Pastor – Christmas Eve services at 5:30 and 9:00 pm this year. Needs to know who is interested in continuing with the new council term. DSHAV (Sound/Acoustic company) was here today making recordings.
- President – Old Sunday School office is being changed into a Library area, Adult Forum Room in basement is coming along, the old Youth room is being painted and changed into a Sunday School office. The group will start making more changes in the narthex.
- Secretary – Kathy H made a motion and Greg seconded it to accept minutes as printed. Motion passed.
- Treasurer – Greg made a motion and Lorrie seconded it to accept the treasury report as provided, motion passed.
Celebrations and Plans
- Stewardship/Leadership – plans for giving to be determined
- Youth/Education – Youth group in planning for their presentation for January.
- Worship/Evangelism – door hangers on order
- Building & Grounds – no report
- Social Ministry – Giving Tree is going well, next meeting Dec 21.
- Foundation – passed motion to spend up to $5000 on rental repairs; Children’s Christmas Benefits, and Kolden Severson’s ramp and altar project, Cornerstone of Hope, and Gifts Men’s shelter all approved for funds
- Congregation Feedback – TV recording sound was complimented.
Council Considerations
- Church Properties – Foundation committee presented and discussed rental properties and parking lots.
- St John Constitution Revision – Discussion, Time table. Jan 6 recap of constitution changes that have been discussed at the end of services in November and December.
- 2019 Budget – Ron presented a rough draft considering 2% wage increases.
- Annual Meeting Reports – reports due this week
Tim J made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Beth.
Next Council Meeting – January 8, 2018
Devotion – Greg
Closing Prayer
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