Present: Pastor Bond, Dave M, Ron J, Tim B, Heidi P, Kathy S, Tim J
Absent: Beth B
Approval of Agenda – A motion was made by Tim J and seconded by Ron J to accept the agenda as printed.
Thank You Notes – none
Leadership Notes – highlights from The Rise of Christianity by Rodney Stark and The Patient Ferment of the Early Church on being the best Christian as we can be.
- Pastor – provided materials for council notebooks, ELCA survey filled out by council members, an example of ministry group formation worksheet. Pastor presented designation of salary for tax purposes. A motion was made by Dave and seconded by Tim B to approve the salary designation as presented. Motion passed.
- President – review of agenda
- Secretary – January 8, 2019 and January 27, 2019 minutes presented. Tim J made a motion to accept the minutes with a correction for duplicate portion of a sentence. The motion was seconded by Ron J.
- Treasurer – Kathy S made a motion to accept the report as printed which was seconded by Ron J.
Immediate Business
- Sound System – working on finding a date for an appointment.
- Visitation Pastor – Pastor Dave has been visiting people. We have been hearing that people are appreciating the visits.
- Lead 2019 Workshop – opportunities to participate lifted up to council.
- Synod Assembly – So far we have Tim and Ruth Banwell, looking for one more
- Draft Annual Financial Encouragement Letter – Pastor presented a draft letter and the council offered constructive comments.
- Easter Lilies – Easter and Lenten worship ministry group is looking into diversifying the flowering plants and finding local sources.
- Foundation – since there is no longer a “Foundation Liaison” as part of ministry groups, we are looking to have The Foundation share their minutes.
Council Considerations
- St John Constitution & By Laws – Review of Council Responsibilities – Pastor Bond led the discussion about financial stewardship, stewardship of property, and setting quarterly meetings.
- Natural Church Development – Pastor Bond presented handouts and some points of interest
- Quality Characteristics
- St John’s Quality Characteristics
- Missional Church – Tim B.
- What is a Missional Church? excerpts from SHIFT by Mark Tidsworth
- Making the shift to a Missional Church from a consumer /attractional church
- How does St. John compare, discussion
- How can we encourage missions at St John? Keep our eyes open to new opportunities that might spark interest or passion. Create mission opportunities and celebrate current missions.
- Our Quarterly Congregation Meeting Pick Out 2019 Dates – April 14, July 7, and October 13, 2019
- What are our goals? need to create an agenda format
- What do we want to accomplish? share food and devotion
- Priorities for March Meeting – create an agenda format, normal March meeting is cancelled and a special council meeting called for March 5.
- Meeting closed with a motion from Tim J to adjourn and seconded by Pastor.