Gather for Devotion: Psalm 68
Approval of Agenda: Tim J made a motion to approve the agenda with changes, Bond seconded the motion.
Thank You Notes: for Diana W, Greg and Deb G, and Josh U


  • Secretary – Bond made a motion which was seconded by Kathy H to approve the minutes as presented
  • Treasurer –Tim J made a motion which was seconded by Greg to approve the report as presented
  • Pastor- Youth gathering went well and they are planning to make a presentation. Preparing for his vacation coming up.

Celebrations and Plans

  • Stewardship/Leadership-no report
  • Youth/Education –no report
  • Worship/Evangelism-meeting July 29 after service
  • Building & grounds-no update
  • Social Ministry-grant requests for Christmas in July, Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, and ECHO School Supply Drive from Foundation approved
  • Foundation- Grant request to match funds raised during Bike Derby funds will go to Health Net and Youth, The Foundation is looking into the future of the rental properties.
  • Congregation Feedback-TV broadcast is good

Council Considerations

  1. Natural Church Development (NCD) – Meeting July 25th focusing on functional structures (organization within the church)
  2. July 4th Report-approximately 40 people for dinner, brought in $275 which would go to Cornerstone of Hope, someone will apply for a grant from the Foundation.
  3. Communion Rail Redesign –looks like they will be starting first part of August.
  4. Narthex Remodel – The library will be the first project, ordered tables for the Narthex
  5. Kitchen Operation & Maintenance- looking into a committee of our current users creating a best practices manual to assist in safe and sanitary kitchen use. Heidi has a manual printed from MN church for an example. A book with information and checklists would be prepared for kitchen use.
  6. Sound System-reports that sound system was good on Sunday
  7. Parking Lot-2 bids in with another on the way.
  8. Building Locks – discussed who has keys and access to locks and Air Conditioning room.

Kathy S made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Tim J, motion passed.
Next Council Meeting – August 14, 2018
Devotion – Liz H
Closing Prayer

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