Present: Bond Haldeman, Elizabeth H, Gus H, Lorrie C, Ron H, Tim J, Tim B, Kathy S, Kathy H, Greg G, Ron J, Beth B
Absent: Jason P, Heidi P
Gather for Devotion: a reading from Peter “Love is a choice”
Approval of Agenda: Greg made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Lorrie
Thank You Notes
Leadership Development – none tonight
- Secretary – a correction to the minutes, Jason and Heidi Pennycook were present and BethB. was Absent. Bond made a motion to accept minutes as amended which was seconded by Kathy H.
- Treasurer – Kathy S made a motion to accept the report as printed, seconded by Lorrie.
- Pastor – Parking Lot bids coming in, no update on Visitation pastor, making arrangements for work on Sound System, Retreat went well, 4 weeks of Vacation during National Youth Gathering in July and beginning of August
Celebrations and Plans
- Stewardship/Leadership – still working on “St. John Community Connection” interviews
- Youth/Education – continue planning and fund raising for the Youth Gathering
- Worship/Evangelism – pot luck went well, May 27 next meeting
- Building & grounds – Spring clean up last weekend
- Social Ministry – Compassion Sunday on Mother’s day a grant request has been submitted. Offering of letters later in May. Water dispensers are here with Reusable water bottles available for sale. Next meeting May 17
- Foundation – meeting next week, new foundation grant form available for requests
- Congregation Feedback – none to report
Council Considerations
- Custodian Care – Josh U had been filling in for reduced hours for current custodian. Pastor would like to adjust Jennifer’s hours from 30 to 20 and have Josh work for 10-12 hours a week. Tim J made a motion to approve this staffing adjustment and seconded by Greg.
- Natural Church Development (NCD) – refocusing on “Effective Structures”(planning, organization etc). A Motion was made by Tim B and seconded by Lorrie to approve a team made up of Becky WJ, Ron J, Tim B, Ted G, Dave M and Pastor Bond.
- Communion Rail Redesign – Utzig’s will do the railing, Ron J met with company to do the rest.
- Narthex Remodel – Greg presented some ideas for the planning group. Ron J met with a carpenter.
- Youth Gathering Grant Request – Bond is writing a grant to the Foundation for $2200 which covers a portion of the expenses after money raised against expected costs. Tim J made a motion, council approved supporting the grant request.
- Synod Assembly Report – new Bishop Viviane Thomas-Breitfeld, she begins in July. Installation at First Lutheran Janesville mid-August. Other elections held as well. A written report from the Synod office will be available on Sunday.
- Kitchen Operation & Maintenance – looking into some checklists and standards for people using the kitchen.
Next Council Meeting – June 12, 2018
Devotion – Jason P
Greg made a motion to close the meeting, seconded by Lorrie.
Closing Prayer