Present: Kathy H, Bond Haldeman, Elizabeth H, Tim J, Ron H, Heidi P, Jason P, Katherine H, Melanie E, Donna R, Lorrie C, Greg G, Kathy S, Ron J
Absent: Tim B
Gather for Devotion: Heidi P
Approval of Agenda: Kathy S made a motion to add the guests to the agenda, seconded by Greg
Lorrie made a motion to approve the agenda as amended and seconded by Kathy H.
Thank You Notes
- Leadership Notes – How does our faith help us grow as Christians and NCD points review
- Pastor – vacation time next week, new members last week, some weddings planned, advent coming up.
- President – Tim B is out
- Secretary – notes should reflect that Jason instead of Adam P was absent. Greg made a motion to approve the minutes with the change, seconded by Jason.
- Treasurer – Tim J made a motion to approve as provided and seconded by Lorrie.
Celebrations and Plans
- Stewardship/Leadership – Community Connections is going well. Estimate of giving cards are in the works.
- Youth/Education – June 25 2019 downtown bike race event suggested for youth group, National Youth gathering group are looking at serving a breakfast January 13 after church.
- Worship/Evangelism – looking into door hangers again
- Building & grounds – no report
- Social Ministry – meeting Wednesday 11-14-18
- Foundation – meeting Wednesday 11-21-18
- Congregation Feedback – see section below with guests
Council Considerations
- Guests: Melanie, Donna, and Katherine – some members had concerns about worship services and Reformation Sunday. There are ongoing issues with the sound system and Pastor’s microphone and speaking too quickly. They also noticed a lack of Martin Luther for Reformation Sunday recognition. Their concerns were actively discussed. The council has been working on getting an acoustical consulting firm here to help address some of the issues with the current system. The initial visit is scheduled for 12/11 and they will take measurements and readings to come up with some plans and suggestions. Pastor is aware of the problem of speaking too fast and is trying to make adjustments. Originally Confirmation was scheduled to take place on Reformation Sunday but was rescheduled last minute at the request of one of the families involved. Reformation Sunday will have its traditional place within the church year and there are no plans to forget Luther’s contributions to our history. Pastor will coordinate an upcoming Hymn sing with some selected readings from Luther’s writings to take place after worship service.
- St John Constitution Revision – The NCD group is looking into revising the constitution in 3 areas as part of its “effective structures” focus: quarterly Congregation meetings, changing structure of planning groups, and size of the Church Council. We discussed the proposed timeline Special Congregation meeting Jan 13, 2019, Budget Q&A Jan 20 2019, Annual Congregation Meeting Jan 27 2019.Greg made a motion to move forward with “Draft 11-6-18 Proposed Revisions to Constitution” seconded by Jason. Motion passed. Greg made a motion to call a special congregation meeting on January 13, 2019, 10:30 am for the purpose of the congregation voting on the Proposed Revisions to the constitution. The motion was seconded by Lorrie and passed unanimously.
Adjournment: Tim made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jason.
Closing prayer.
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