St. John Lutheran Church Council
October 10, 2017
Present: Bond Haldeman, Ron J, Elizabeth H, Lorrie C, Beth B, Kathy S, Melanie M, Todd D, Tim J, Tim B, Kathy H
Absent: Gus H, Ron H
Gather for Devotion
Approval of Agenda- Tim J motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by Ron J.
Thank You Notes signed by council members
Leadership Development-review of the book Shift
- Secretary-Tim J motioned to approve the minutes, Elizabeth seconded.
- Treasurer-Kathy H motioned to approve the minutes, seconded by Lorrie
- Pastor-Spiritual Gifts class is done, may do another class in the spring. Pastor will be at a Continuing Ed class a couple days next week. ”Conversations about Race,
- Ethnicity and Culture” class coming up in October
Celebrations and Plans
- Stewardship/Leadership- upcoming mailings for Consecration Sunday
- Youth/Education -Mac’s Pizza Shack November 8, first money from aluminum can collections
- Worship/Evangelism- Reformation Sunday Oct 29
- Building & Grounds-no report
- Social Ministry-meeting this Thursday, disaster relief collection, Echo meal, and Bread for the World
- Foundation-no report
- Congregation Contacts/ Comments- squeaky Parker Drive door
Council Considerations
- Parking Lot-upper parking lot needs repairs-patch or resurface. Pastor will do some checking with estimates
- Natural Church Development (NCD)- review of congregational input from last meeting
- Communion Rail Redesign – still working on getting it set up
- Narthex Remodel-the group met and discussed ideas
- Visitation Pastor -calls to supply pastors have not resulted in any interest, a call to the Synod is next
- Sanctuary Acoustical Assessment-review of the report
- Retreat – Lutherdale Oct 20-21, NCD discussion
Next Council Meeting – November 14,2017
Devotion – Kathy S
Closing Prayer