Attendance: Cathy P, Duane A, Joyce H, Diane U, Dan B, Mary L, Londa R, Tom P
Absent: Deb G
Council Rep: Greg G (absent)
Guest: N/A
Call to Order: Cathy opened the meeting @ 5:30 pm.
Devotions: There was no devotion prepared.
Agenda: Joyce motioned agenda be approved as written with the addition of “A Devotion Schedule” to the new business section. Seconded by Mary.
Minutes from Last Meeting: The minutes from the last meeting in February were reviewed. Diane motioned to approve / Seconded by Dan.
Treasurer’s Report: Diane went through the financial reports for the last two months. Cathy asked about some of the charges/expenses on the rental properties. Diane explained those transactions. Duane motioned we approve / 2nd by Cathy……. Approved.
Property Report: With Deb not present and Londa new to the property position, they have not had a chance to transfer information between them yet.
Grant Requests:
- Easter Breakfast: This request is for $500 to help purchase food and supplies for the Easter breakfast on behalf of the St. John Youth Group which is attending the 2018 National Gathering in Houston, TX. The money raised from ticket sales will also be going to the Youth Group. The question was asked about how money was raised in years past to help cover the cost of the breakfast. It was mentioned that LeRoy W. would get donations from the congregation and then come to the Foundation for the balance. A motion was made by Diane to approve this request / 2nd by Londa. Motion carried. The money will come out of the Synod account.
- GIFTS Men’s Shelter: This request ($2,329.31) was submitted by Todd D/Duane A and is for helping GIFTS repair the kitchen in their new transitional housing building. Duane talked a little about the new building. Diane asked if the requested dollars could be rounded up to $2,330. A motion by Mary to approve this amount / 2nd by Cathy. Motion carried.
- Lutherdale (Church Council): This request is for $760 to cover the costs for a weekend Council Retreat at Lutherdale. There was some discussion about the benefits of these retreats to bring your team/group closer together. Londa motioned we approve / 2nd by Joyce. Motion carried.
- Devotion Schedule: We discussed coming up with a Devotion schedule for our meetings. We all agreed to come up with a schedule. Deb G. had already volunteered to cover the devotion at our next meeting in April. There will most likely be additional discussion on this.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Monday April 16th @ 5:30 pm. Diane mentioned that our investment representative will be at this next meeting to talk to us about the Boards investments.
Closing Prayer: Londa closed the meeting with a prayer.
Adjourned: Cathy motioned the meeting be adjourned / 2nd by Londa. Adjourned @ 6:30 pm.
Submitted by – Duane Al Foundation Secretary
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