Do you know the answer to this quiz – without peeking in your Bible?
Yes? You should join our team of dedicated Sunday School teachers!
No? You should join us in Sunday School and we’ll find the answer together!

Sunday School is growing and changing this year. We will be dividing up into three groups based on students’ ages: Grades pre K and Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade, and 3rd thru 5th Grade. We will need more teachers with this new program and would like to have two teachers per group so that everyone has down time.

The curriculum is very easy to teach with step by step instructions so no one has to come up with their own material. Please pray about serving God by becoming a Sunday School teacher, and reap the rewards of serving our wonderful children. Rally Day will be held on September 17th!

Pease contact Judi M at 295-4991 or the church office at 752-3159 if you can help.

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