Posts tagged with ‘ECHO’
ECHO School Supply Drive and Distribution
This past week, our congregation hosted the ECHO School Supply Drive and Distribution in our building again. Thanks to your generous donations of school supplies and cash to purchase needed items, supplies were provided to hundreds of children who signed up to receive assistance. Thank you to everyone who so generously donates to make sure […]
ECHO School Supply Drive 2019
This week, our congregation will host the ECHO School Supply Drive and Distribution in our building from August 19-23, 2019. Donations of school supplies and cash to purchase supplies are needed to assist the hundreds of children who have signed up to receive assistance. Volunteers are needed to help unpack, sort, and organize the supplies […]
Food and Volunteers Still Needed for October ECHO Meal
St John Lutheran Church is hosting the ECHO Community Meal this month on October 27th. We still need volunteers to help set-up, serve, and clean up on the 27th. We also need one more cook to prepare a casserole. It’s not hard! Just take the disposable pan home, buy the ingredients listed on the recipe […]
ECHO School Supply Drive and Distribution
A huge thank you to everyone who moved furniture, carried boxes, sorted supplies, packed individual bags for each student, set up displays, helped students and their parents find the appropriate bags, donated supplies and monetary gifts, and cleaned up afterwards! Without a remarkable outpouring of generous gifts of time and treasure from our community, none […]
Help the Green Berets and Help ECHO at the Same Time!
The Green Beret’s work concessions at the Badger Games and need additional volunteers. The volunteers would represent ECHO as a fundraiser. The duties would include serving food, drinks and operating the cash register. ECHO, the organization that furnishes the volunteers, will get a portion of the money raised. The volunteers must be 16 years of […]
Christmas in July for ECHO
If you can help, please place your offering in a pew envelope and mark it ‘ECHO Christmas in July” or make your check to “St John Lutheran Church” and write ‘ECHO” in the memo line. An insert is included with this week’s bulletin, which may be included in your pew envelope. Making your gifts through […]
Easter Basket Items Needed for ECHO
ECHO is still in urgent need of items to prepare Easter baskets for children in our community! They need children’s Easter baskets, individually wrapped candy, plastic eggs, and plastic basket wrap. They will be packing Easter baskets on Monday, March 26th, so please bring donations to the ECHO Office early on Monday morning. Thank you […]
Christmas Toy Drive
Once again this year, St John Lutheran Church hosted the ECHO Christmas Toy Drive. Volunteers and donors worked together to provide Christmas gifts to over 550 children! Thank you to everyone who contributed gifts and time to help make this possible!
Giving Tree and ELCA Good Gifts
Alternative Giving When you think about the special people in your life and the best gifts you have given or received, it is not the gift itself but the meaning behind the gift that makes it significant. One way to increase the meaningfulness of a gift is through alternative giving. Alternative Giving is a form […]