Peace be with you St. John Family,
I’ve been thinking about change lately! Life changes, we change, the world changes. Change can be good but change can sometimes be bad. Change can be helpful but sometimes also be harmful. It can be beneficial but also disastrous. Still, there will always be change! Some, like myself; don’t always like change and may even try to resist change. Still, there will always be change!
Our lives are full of change right from the start. The moment we are born we begin to change and continue to change as we grow hopefully for the better. We must change in order to live, to learn, to grow, to teach, to survive. Life takes many paths and on our journeys we take on many challenges and many choices. When we are baptized we are changed. We are chosen by God, freed from sin and death and the power of the Devil to be made new every day putting on a new person every day. What a blessing to be baptized, to be chosen by God, to be able to love and to praise him and give glory to his name. We put on a new being through forgiveness and strive to be better and become more like Jesus. Through prayer and study we may grow and learn God’s will and what he asks in return for life everlasting. He loves us so much and asks only that we love him and each other. It requires change. Oh, to be loved so much!
With that in mind, I ask you to think about change. For in the next few months, our church will be seeing some changes. Hopefully you will find these changes invigorating and uplifting. There are numerous projects beginning, such as the Narthex facelift adding a few things and replacing others to make a more inviting area for fellowship and gathering before and after services. There is also some remodeling for the Library, to better facilitate the ongoing Adult Forum Classes as well as other meetings, that will hopefully create an even better learning and growing environment. That should be awesome!
There will also be a remodeling of the Altar area that will move the Communion Rail to the front step for ease of kneeling and so we do not have to step up and possibly stumble or fall making it more accessible for everyone, including our elder and handicapped family. This will require moving the pulpit and the baptismal font to provide for better access. New carpeting and removing the first row of pews should create a more interesting and improved environment, especially when we hold weddings and funerals. There are also new classes coming up this fall, including an Arm Chair Yoga class. Plus, many other opportunities for growth such as choirs and more. More opportunities for growth and change.
I hope you will invite and accept these changes and experience God’s love and cherish our family here at St. John’s.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Ron Johnson
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