Happy Father’s Day!
9:00 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
The TV Ministry for today is given to the glory of God by Al and Sandy K. and Lois B. in memory of their father, Percy B., and their step-father, Elmer T.


9:00 am Staff Meeting (Pastor’s Office)
12:00 pm Bible Study (Conference Room)


5:30 pm Optimists Board Meeting (Room 118)
6:30 pm Al-Anon (Library)


9:00 am Journaling Workshop (Conference Room)
1:30 pm Worship Service (Sanctuary)
2:30 pm Prayer Shawl Meeting (Conference Room)
6:30 pm Al-Anon Meeting (Conference Room)


9:00 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)

We are Praying for Members and Friends of the Congregation:
Pastor Bond wants to know if you or a loved one is hospitalized, but hospitals cannot be relied upon to let him know. Please call, or have a relative call, the church office at (608) 752-3159 if you or a loved one are hospitalized.

The "Yellow" Pages


Worship October 11th, 2020

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Readings - October 11th, 2020

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