This ministry is not funded through our regular budget; it is provided completely by donations. It costs us $60 per week to videotape and air our services. This same video is used for our website as well.
You can now watch a worship service at any time by accessing our website at This ministry was sponsored through the end of April but we do not have any sponsors for the coming months, so now we need your help. We need sponsors for the rest of this year. You can sponsor part of, or all of, a broadcast in honor of or in memory of someone or just because you support this important service to our community.
Several people can sponsor a broadcast together. Please write “TV Ministry” in the memo line of all checks and deposit them in the regular collection or bring them to the church office. Thank you to all of the donors who sponsored the TV ministry for the beginning of this year and to our congregation for supporting this important ministry to our congregation and our community for more than 30 years!
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