Happy Mother’s Day!
ECHO Emphasis
9:00 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:15 am Sunday School (Friendship Hall)
10:20 am Confirmation Class (Room 303)
9:00 am Staff Meeting (Pastor’s Office)
12:00 pm Bible Study (Conference Room)
5:30 pm Foundation Meeting (Conference Room)
6:30 pm Council Meeting (Conference Room)
6:30 pm Al-Anon Meeting (Library)
9:00 am Rachel Circle (Conference Room)
7:00 pm Mary Circle (Annette U’s home)
1:30 pm Worship Service (Sanctuary)
6:30 pm Al-Anon Meeting (Conference Room)
7:00 pm New Hope Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
9:00 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:15 am Family and Friends Sunday School – Last class for this school year (Friendship Hall)
10:20 am Confirmation Class (Room 303)
2:00 pm 4 year old Class (Conference Room)
We are Praying for Members and Friends of the Congregation:
Pastor Bond wants to know if you or a loved one is hospitalized, but hospitals cannot be relied upon to let him know. Please call, or have a relative call, the church office at (608) 752-3159 if you or a loved one are hospitalized.
ECHO Community Meal
(click HERE)
Prayer Chain
(click HERE)
SJLC News Google Group
(click HERE)
Compassion Sunday
(click HERE)
Last Day of Sunday School
(click HERE)
Stamp Out Hunger
(click HERE)
This Weeks Readings
(click HERE)