The Purpose Statement of Women of the ELCA: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
The women of St. John Lutheran Church have once again been busy working for our church, community, and the world.
Our fundraising endeavors include:
A final rummage sale was held last spring. Thank you to all of the devoted helpers who have made the sale possible for so many years. Special thanks to Phyllis H. For able leadership of this project for many years.
We were able to donate $407.15 to various charities within our community and beyond. $750 was donated within the church to various worthy projects. $8,000 was given towards the installation of a new dishwasher and a grease trap for the St. John Lutheran’s kitchen.
Pennies were collected each first Sunday from the congregation, which were donated to the Battered Women’s Shelter of Janesville.
St John Women Quilters meet monthly to make beautiful quilts for Lutheran World Relief. This year we completed and shipped 39 quilts. Our congregation generously donated $197 to pay for shipping the quilts. Nine quilts were also donated to local area people in need. We are fortunate to have this mission work continue with these dedicated women. After collecting items all year, we were able to create nine personal care kits, two baby layette kits, seven school kits, and a large box of bar soap. These kits were sent to Lutheran World Relief to be handed out to the needy all over the world.
Bibles were donated by Women of the ELCA to help our primary grade students enhance their spiritual growth.
Several ladies made cakes and served at the Cedar Crest birthday party.
Many ladies enjoy one of our monthly Bible studies. There is currently one morning circle and one evening circle. We not only enjoy the Bible, but also the good fellowship.
The Women of St. John also coordinate the preparing and serving of luncheons following funerals.
Respectfully Submitted,
Women of St. John Lutheran Church