The congregation held its annual meeting last Sunday, January 27, 2019. A summary of the meeting includes the following. The amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Congregation were ratified. The following persons were elected to the Congregation Council for a one-year term: Beth B, Kathy S, and David M. Elected to a two-year term were Timothy B, Ronald J, Timothy J, and Heidi P. Thank you to all those who were willing to receive nomination. The budget for 2019 was passed as printed in the annual reports. Additionally, the first “Ministry Group” was formed. The Easter Breakfast Ministry Group consists of Heidi & Jason P, and Tammy & Duane A. We look forward to hearing more from them.
At the council formation meeting after the congregation meeting the following officers were elected: President Timothy B, Vice-president Ronald J, Secretary Kathy S, and Treasurer Timothy J. Thank you for taking up leadership responsibilities.
The Foundation annual meeting preceded the Congregation meeting, and elected to the Foundation Board were: Gordon B, Diane U, and Becky W-J. Thank you for your ministry.
All elected, and currently serving, Council Members, Officers, and Foundation Board Members will be installed Sunday February 3rd during our worship service.
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