St. John Lutheran Church Council Meeting

October 13, 2015

Present: Todd Duckworth, Pastor Bond, Scott Myers, Shirley Myers, Ted Grund, Judi Magnus, Kathy Severson, Lorrie Craig, Greg Griffith, Tim Banwell. Absent: Cathy Prusansky, Ron Hornsey, Melanie Morgan, Tammy Albrecht.  Meeting was called to order at 6: 35p.m. Devotions: Todd led the opening devotions. Approval of Agenda: Greg Griffith made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Tim Banwell.  Motion passed unanimously. Reports: Secretary – The minutes from September 8, 2015, were approved as written on a motion by Todd seconded by Greg .  The motion passed unanimously. Treasurer – Todd Duckworth – Todd presented the financial report for the month of September.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Greg and seconded by Judi.  The motion passed unanimously. Pastors Report – Pastor Bond – Pastor Dave will be done next week due to his new position starting.  Council Concerns and Matters:

October Devotions – Judi Magnus First Sunday Feedback – next one November 1st.

Discussed outdoor worship survey results, 80 surveys returned.

Confirmands named and presented the Faith Essays: Courtney Pennycook, Kolden Severson, Karina DeWitt, Ashlyn Burdick, and Jack Toberman.

A motion to confirm the students was made by Tim and seconded by Shirley. Motion passed unanimously.

Insurance plans for 2016 were presented for staff. A motion by Judi to approve was seconded by Lorrie. Motion passed unanimously.

Dishwasher update: the new one is installed and grease trap work is done. A teaching session is planned for later in the week.

NCD discussion.

Roof fund update: announcements will be made each Sunday. Greg will head up this project.

Celebration and Plans Youth and Education: SS is going well though attendance varies. Looking for SS alternative ideas.  Worship/Evangelism: No report, new accompanist starts this week.  Building and Grounds: Clean up this weekend 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Social Ministry: Shoeboxes for ECHO, Pans/recipes for ECHO meal, boots/snow pants for Jackson school, 1649, GIFTS, and Heifer project, World Vision all projects in project.  Stewardship/Leadership: No report.  Foundation: No report. Congregational contacts were discussed, communion issues discussed.  Adjournment: Shirley made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Scott. The motion passed unanimously.  The meeting closed with a prayer and adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

The next meeting of the St. John Lutheran Church Council will be held on November 10, 2015, at 6:30 p.m.

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