12/17/2015 4:50:00 PM
CHICAGO (ELCA) – Affirming this church’s commitment to caring for God’s creation, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) supports the outcome of the 21st Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which met in Paris Nov. 30-Dec.11. The summit concluded with the approval of the Paris agreement, which includes a commitment to keep global warming well below two degrees.
“People of faith showed up in unprecedented numbers for the climate talks in Paris, because we believe that this moment includes a moral obligation to our most vulnerable neighbors, to future generations, and to all of God’s creation to act on climate change,” said Mary Minette, ELCA interim director of advocacy, in a statement responding to the Paris agreement. Minette was a delegate with Action for Churches Together Alliance (ACT Alliance). The ELCA is a member of the alliance.
“The Paris agreement sets the world on a pathway to stewardship, justice and sustainability. All countries have, for the first time, agreed to take concrete steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to review and increase their commitments over time,” the statement continued.
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