St. John Lutheran Church Council
August 8, 2017
Present: Bond Haldeman, Todd D, Tim J, Ron H, Kathy H, Gus H, Elizabeth H, Ron J, Tim B, Melanie M, Beth B
Absent: Lorrie C
Shared Prayer
Gather for Devotion– Elizabeth
Approval of Agenda-Tim J. motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by Kathy H.
Thank You Notes– council members signed thank you notes for people who have worked on projects.
Leadership Development– Shift, Three Big Moves for the 21st Century Church
Secretary– Todd made a motion to approve the council notes, the motion was seconded by Beth.
Treasurer– Kathy S made a motion to approve the report, the motion was seconded by Melanie.
Pastor -“Discovering God’s vision for your life” classes on Thursdays will be starting. Pastor is looking at going to an Advanced Clergy Clinic. Tim J made a motion to approve pastor attending this session, Beth seconded the motion. Our electric bill will be increasing due to the parking lot lights for Parker Dr lot being added to our billing as they should have been included before. Parker Community Credit Union is merging with Educators Credit Union so that will have some changes for our banking accounts.
Celebrations and Plans
- Stewardship/Leadership-next meeting Aug 21
- Youth/Education-Car Wash Aug 19, more Cinnamon Rolls coming, and next meeting Aug 20
- Worship/Evangelism-Potluck and outdoor service August 27
- Building & grounds-no report
- Social Ministry- ECHO school drive in August, Missionary trip went well. ECHO meal, GIFTS shelter all coming up.
- Foundation- no report
- Congregation Contacts/ Comments- positive feedback on suggested altar changes, a visitor was impressed with the sharing of the peace
Council Considerations
- Natural Church Development (NCD)- Empowering meeting scheduled 9/24,task force planning meeting 8/15
- Communion Rail Redesign -Tim, Tim and Ron will head up the planning on this project
- Winter Farmer’s Market: They will use our Building every first Saturday of each Month
- Narthex Remodel-no update
- Visitation Pastor-no update
- Christmas Eve Service-Christmas Eve is a Sunday this year. Council decided that we will have normal Sunday morning service and one Christmas Eve service at 7:00 pm.
Tim J made a motion to adjourn and Gus seconded the motion.
Next Council Meeting – September 12, 2017
Closing Prayer