St. John Lutheran Church Council
September 12, 2017
Present: Rim B,Melanie M, Kathy H, Lorrie C, Beth B, Todd D, Tim J, Ron J, Elizabeth H
Absent: Bond Haldeman, Ron H, Gus H
Gather for Devotion – Kathy H
Approval of Agenda – Tim J motioned to approve the agenda and seconded.
Thank You Notes – council members signed thank you notes for people who have worked on projects
Leadership Development
Secretary – Todd made a motion to approve the council notes, the motion seconded by Melanie.
Treasurer – Lorrie made a motion to approve the council notes, the motion seconded by Melanie.
Pastor – no report
Celebrations and Plans
- Stewardship/Leadership-no meeting/no update
- Youth/Education-looking at a Mac’s Pizza, Culvers, and Chipotle fundraisers. Oct 29 breakfast, youth will be selling tickets
- Worship/Evangelism-no report
- Building & grounds-need to look into repairing the upper parking lot. Light for women’s bathroom has been purchased, will be installed.
- Social Ministry- School drive went well with matching grants from the Foundation. October Bread for the World Sunday. Grants requested for matching funds for International Storm relief organizations.
- Foundation-next meeting 9-17-17
- Congregation Contacts/ Comments-none to report
Council Considerations
- Natural Church Development (NCD)-
- Communion Rail Redesign- congregation are asking about progress. The team needs to meet and discuss next step. They have contacts for the welding and fabrication portion.
- Winter Farmers’ Market-The group has met with Pastor and they will start in November.
- Narthex Remodel-They will meet on Wednesday.
- Visitation Pastor-no update
- Sanctuary Acoustical Assessment-Pastor looking into a company coming and doing an assessment.
- Health Insurance Plan-the costs are going up about 5% increase for next year. Todd made a motion to accept the cost changes with the current plan level, seconded by Lorrie. Motion passed
- Retreat – Lutherdale available Oct 20/21 or Sept 29/30. Tim will check with Pastor.
Tim J motioned to adjourn, Tim B seconded.
Next Council Meeting – October 10, 2017
Devotion – Beth B
Closing Prayer