Present: Bond Haldeman, Tim B, Ron J, Lorrie C, Beth B, Tim J, Kathy H, Heidi P, Ron H, Greg G, Ron H
Absent: Kathy S, Elizabeth H, Adam P, Gus H

Gather for Devotions: Beth B
Guests: Andrea & CJ H – Wanted to thank Pastor for his continued support for the family during the time their mother was ill and with her passing. She was so thankful for everything and wanted everyone to know how much they appreciate all that Pastor Bond does.
Approval of Agenda: Date should be October not September; amended. Motion to approve the amended agenda by Tim J, seconded by Greg, carried.
Thank You Notes: To Lori H, Pastor Bond, & Beth B for everything they did to facilitate the youth at the National Youth gathering.
Leadership Notes: Nothing new to report.


  • Pastor – Motion made by Pastor Bond to approve Allison G to become a confirmed member of St. John, seconded by Tim B. The motion passed unanimously. Confirmation will take place the end of October.
  • Secretary – Correction to the date, should be Sept 11th not Sept 9th. The amended minutes from September 11, 2018 were approved; motion by Greg and seconded by Lorrie. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Treasurer – Ron H presented financial reports from September 2018. Kathy made a motion to approve the report, seconded by Greg. The motion passed unanimously.

Celebrations and Plans

  • Stewardship/Leadership – Community Connection interviews will continue. Letters will be sent for stewardship on behalf of the council and Stewardship planning group for those that have given in the past.
  • Youth/Education – Becky and Heidi are Sunday school for the older kids, going well. Kidist is team teaching with Judi; going well. Plan on getting the youth that attend the National Youth Gathering to put together a presentation. Box of Polo shirts would be available to have the Youth Group sell as a Fund Raiser. TV working well for the Adult Forum, White board was ordered but not in yet.
  • Worship/Evangelism – Have not met; have solidified the plans for Advent and Christmas. Will use Setting One through Advent & Christmas. Working on coordinating the accompanists.
  • Building and Grounds – Fall clean-up will hopefully be coordinated in the near future. Fan in the Narthex due to some small leaks also noted in the Choir room. Someone will be coming to look at the leak.
  • Social Ministry – Meeting 10/10, grant request was approved to donate to an Organization for Lawyers for Children and family struggling in the San Antonio Area. Echo Community meal the end of the month. Grant request will be put in for $1000 for Snow pants, and necessary items that the children may need as well.
  • Foundation – Meeting Sept 17, 2 grant requests approved. Talking about 2 properties across the street put together a committee to look at the Rental properties and what needs to be done. Building inspector will be going through to see what needs to be updated. Tim K ELCA gift planner was a guest to discuss the investment fund opportunities. Next Meeting Oct 15th at 530pm.
  • Congregation Contacts/Comments – No one showed up for Feedback Sunday.

Council Considerations

  • Altar Remodeling – Kneeling Pads – Will be made to cover the entire length of the railing, will match the carpet. $2520 will be covered by Pew cushion fund. Done with the Rail redesign, over budget by $1403.24. Motion made by Beth B to cover the cost of over budget of the Altar Remodel $1403.24 as well as the Parking lot report of $7588 using the Building & Grounds Contingency Fund. Seconded by Lorrie C. Motion passed
  • Narthex Remodel – Update (Library)- Grant from the foundation $3500, $491 under budget at this point.
  • Insurance – Insurance due October 26th, gold level Insurance benefit; increase will be $1122.48 total for Pastor and Melissa. Motion made by Beth B to approve the continued gold level plan with the increase of $1122.48 for Pastor Bond and Melissa. Seconded by Kathy H. Discussion about looking at future plans and about possibly looking at an HSA. Motion passed unanimously
  • Pastor Appreciation Sunday – Oct 21st treats will be provided.
  • Kitchen Operation & Maintenance – Meeting did occur, will be meeting 10/9/2018 at GIFTS to see how they manage their Kitchen.
  • Parking Lot – $7588, Bond will make an appeal to help cover costs. Motion made by Beth B to cover the cost of over budget of the Altar Remodel $1403.24 as well as the Parking lot report of $7588 using the Building & Grounds Contingency Fund. Seconded by Lorrie Craig. Motion passed unanimously
  • Sound System – contracted with DSH Audio Visions, needs assessment completed. Will come and do measurements during a Church Service. Will balance the needs of spoken words and music. They are experienced in Church sound. Will look at equipment and acoustics. Discussion about the necessity of this. Possibly up to $10,000 will be needed.
  • Choir – still actively searching for a Choir Director. Might reach out to UW Whitewater.
  • Chair Yoga – Semi-good success for Yoga, Tuesday seems to be the least amount of members.

Adjournment: Greg motioned to close the meeting, Tim J seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Next Council Meeting: November 13, 2018

Devotion: Heidi P

Closing prayer

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