St John Lutheran Church will soon have two wonderful new additions to our building. After 46 years of faithful service, our dishwasher finally just stopped in its tracks one day this past spring. About the same time, the City of Janesville notified us that codes had changed and we would need to install a grease trap in our kitchen. So if you see dust, debris, packing crates, and a lot of workmen this month, don’t panic! Thanks to a whole team who researched equipment, talked to vendors and tradespeople, donated extremely generous financial gifts, moved existing supplies and cleaned and sorted, worked with and around our contractors, and generally “gave it their all” – by the end of the month our shiny new dishwasher will be up and running! You probably won’t ever see the shiny new grease trap, but trust us, it will be there too. We’ll let you know when it’s all ready and we hope you’ll stop down and admire our new arrival!
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