To the members of St. John Lutheran:
As we have just recently completed another week of hosting the men’s shelter at the new facility, I couldn’t help thinking about how far the GIFTS organization has come since its inception. There have been many changes in the way the program is run and now the biggest change yet, the new Shelter/Resource Center building. GIFTS is much more efficient now with all aspects of the ministry. The end result of that is we are having many more success stories and a lot more turnover in the men that we see at the shelters.
The men we just hosted were a very appreciative and respectful group. Even with all the new faces, the ministry keeps moving forward in the right direction. Just recently GIFTS was able to obtain another building that they have already incorporated into a transitional housing facility. Men who have advanced through the ministry and have met qualifications will be able to move into this new transitional housing. There are three men moving into this facility in the next couple of weeks. We are very excited for them to have reached this next step in their journey.
When I first got involved in this ministry I saw it as an opportunity for me personally to be part of a Christian community function that would help me grow my faith in Christ. I have made many friendships with volunteers and with the men of the Shelter. This ministry has also been very good for St. John. It is great to see everyone working together for a very worthy ministry such as this. We had a new challenge this time, as some of the volunteer positions changed a little. Special thanks to all the individuals who took the kitchen coordinating training to make this transition go very smoothly.
Please accept our thanks for all of the volunteers who have kept this ministry successfully going and made my life easier over the past several years. We do not host again until May 20th, 2018. Once again thank you all very much for helping to give love and fellowship to these very needy men. We make our faith stronger through these acts of giving and kindness. I find it wonderful that all these Christian people from different congregations can come together in Christ’s name and make this Ministry a success.
God Bless,
~Duane Albrecht
Coordinator, GIFTS Men’s Shelter