Last week we took a special collection to pay for shipping the quilts made by our Quilters and the kits assembled by our WELCA group, all of which were delivered to the local Lutheran World Relief In-gathering yesterday in Madison. We received $40.00 towards the cost of shipping. Thank you so much! But all totaled the 39 quilts, 7 school kits, 2 baby kits, 9 personal care kits, and 1 large box of soap will cost $135.60 to ship. Can you help us reach our goal of another $95.60 to pay for the shipping costs of our donations? Any and all gifts in any amount will help us to reach our goal! Put your gift in a pew envelope and label it “LWR Shipping” or just write “LWR Shipping” in the memo line of your check and drop it in the regular offering or bring it to the church office. Thank you for your continued generosity!
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