St. John Lutheran Church Council
July 11, 2017
Present: Bond Haldeman, Todd D, Tim J, Ron H, Kathy H, Gus H, Elizabeth H, Ron J, Tim B
Absent: Melanie M, Beth B
Shared Prayer
Gather for Devotion – Gus H
Approval of Agenda – Todd motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by Kathy H.
Thank You Notes – council members signed thank you notes for people who have worked on projects.
Leadership Development – Shift, Three Big Moves for the 21st Century Church
Secretary – Tim J made a motion to approve the council notes; the motion was seconded by Gus.
Treasurer – Lorrie made a motion to approve the report; the motion was seconded by Ron J.
Pastor – Together in Faith classes Sunday afternoons in fall. Working on First Communion and confirmation classes.
Spiritual Gifts classes on Thursdays will be starting in the fall. Pastor will have two weeks of vacation at the end of July.
Celebrations and Plans
- Stewardship/Leadership-next meeting Aug 9 to discuss plans for fall
- Youth/Education-Raised $100 for parking spaces for July 4th, more cinnamon rolls to come, more fundraisers to come
- Worship/Evangelism-Potluck and outdoor service August 27
- Building & grounds-no report
- Social Ministry- Christmas in July for ECHO, ECHO school drive in August, Refugee collections on-going. 3 people going to Kentucky mission trip.
- Foundation- no report, next meeting July 17
- Congregation Contacts/Comments- none at this time
Council Considerations
1. Natural Church Development (NCD)-the group is meeting tomorrow. Is it time for another survey? Recommendation from council would be to wait 6 months.
2. Communion Rail Redesign – Ron provided a rendition of the proposed changes. Pastor will check with some welding companies about the project.
3. Winter Farmer’s Market: Request to use Building every first Saturday of each Month
4. Narthex Remodel-no update
5. Visitation Pastor-We have a list of supply pastors, office staff will do some calling soon.
6. Christmas Eve Service-Christmas Eve is a Sunday this year. Council discussed having Sunday morning service as usual and one Christmas Eve service in the evening.
Tim J made a motion to adjourn and Kathy H seconded the motion.
Next Council Meeting – August 8, 2017
Devotion – Liz H
Closing Prayer
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