When natural disaster strikes or conflicts flare, families often have little chance to gather their belongings before fleeing the danger. They arrive at refugee camps or other places of safety scared and vulnerable and dirty. Simple items help sustain them. This year the St. John Lutheran Church Quilters made 39 quilts, 2 baby layette kits, 9 personal care kits, and packed 7 school kits made by Cathie B., along with one very large box of bar soap. Nine quilts were also given to area people in need. We thank all who donated items to fill the kits. St. John members gave monetary gifts to help defray the costs of shipping in the amount of $197. Quilters are under the direction of LaVaughn B. We meet the third Monday of the month at 12:30 p.m. Join us, won’t you? If you can cut squares or have liners for quilts, this can be done at home.
The following ladies and gentlemen have volunteered this past year. LaVaughn B., Judith L., Cathy B., Josh U., Janet N., Sandy K., Lois F., Helen F., Cathie B., Diana W., and Betty L. We are thankful to all who give their time and talent for these projects.
Many thanks to Sue G., Betty L., Diana W., and Cathie B. for packing the kits and boxes and to Pastor Bond and his family for delivering the boxes to Madison, and to our knitters, who make baby hats and sweaters and receiving blankets. The work of your hearts and hands is an invaluable blessing to families in need around the world.
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